Six Beverly CPA projects approved for 2018
Categories: News
Historic Beverly will receive $146,300 CPA funding for the purpose of performing Phase 2 of historic landscape restoration at Hale Farm
The City of Beverly and the Ward 2 Civic Association will receive $295,952 in CPA funding to perform Phase II of side façade and other building restorations to the GAR Hall on Dane St.
Six projects have received approval for funding via Beverly’s Community Preservation Act for 2018.
Beverly’s Community Preservation Committee presented its most recent recommendations for CPA funding to the City Council to review and approve. Each appropriation was approved unanimously by the council on Monday, June 4.
The approved appropriations for 2018 totaled $1,291,371.
The specifics for each of the projects, as well as the amount allocated for them, are as follows:
Beverly City Hall Historic Records Conservation Project, 191 Cabot St.
Applicant: City of Beverly Clerk’s Office
Classification: Historic
Appropriation amount: $59,119
Spending purpose: To preserve and protect historic resources from injury, harm or destruction.
Recommendation: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $59,119 from the Historic Reserve Account to the City of Beverly Clerk’s Office for the purpose of preserving a historic asset by de-acidification and conservation of historical at-risk municipal documents.
GAR Hall Side Façade Restoration, 8 Dane St.
Applicant: Beverly Planning Department/Ward 2 Civic Association on behalf of the City of Beverly
Classification: Historic
Appropriation amount: $295,952
Spending purpose: To restore/preserve historic assets in the city and protect from injury, harm or destruction.
Recommendation: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $295,952 from the General Reserve Account to the City of Beverly/Ward 2 Civic Association to perform Phase II of side façade and other building restorations to the GAR Hall, 8 Dane Street. The CPC made this funding contingent upon the city either placing a Historic Preservation Restriction on the building or establishing a local Historic District to encompass the building.
Preservation of the Beverly Golf & Tennis Clubhouse, 134 McKay St.
Applicant: Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission
Classification: Historic
Appropriation amount: $400,000
Spending purpose: To preserve and protect historic resources from injury, harm or destruction.
Recommendation: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $400,000 from the General Reserve Account, to the Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission to perform a complete architectural and systems analysis and preparation of specification plans to guide future historic preservation of the clubhouse.
Hale Farm Landscape Restoration, Phase 2, 39 Hale St.
Applicant: Historic Beverly
Classification: Historic
Appropriation amount: $146,300
Spending purpose: To make capital improvements to rehabilitate and restore an historic asset to make it functional for its intended use.
Recommendation: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $146,300 from the Historic and General Reserve Accounts to Historic Beverly for the purpose of performing Phase 2 of historic landscape restoration at Hale Farm.
2 Hardy St. Housing
Applicant: Harborlight Community Partners, Inc.
Classification: Community Housing
Appropriation amount: $190,000
Spending purpose: The creation of affordable housing.
Recommendation: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $190,000 from the Housing Reserve Account to Harborlight Community Partners, Inc. for the purpose of constructing six new affordable housing units.
Cabot Housing, 245 Cabot St.
Applicant: Cabot Housing, LLC
Classification: Community Housing
Appropriation amount: $200,000
Spending purpose: The creation of affordable housing.
Recommendation: The Community Preservation Committee recommends the appropriation of $200,000 from the Housing Reserve and General Reserve Accounts to Cabot Housing, LLC for the purpose of constructing 24 new units of affordable housing.
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