I’m just one of the success stories of Harborlight’s ongoing run of good housing and good communities.
Categories: Housing Matters, Uncategorized
Categories: Housing Matters, Uncategorized
Alberto “Berto” Oyola is a young man who moved into an HCP property with his family when he was just 13. Coming from an urban neighborhood, the family welcomed this new beginning which brought with it a safe neighborhood, engaging schools and sports activities for Berto and his brothers, and a vibrant faith community. Recently, Berto spoke at an HCP Board of Director’s meeting to share his experience growing up in an HCP home and the impact that has had on him. With his permission, we share Berto’s experience on Housing Matters. He is a thoughtful and well spoken young man, who illustrates by example the great things that happen when families with young children and teens have an affordable, safe, and dignified roof overhead. We thank Berto for allowing HCP to share his meaningful testimony.